Light & Human Health
March 20, 2024
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
This is a presentation accredited by IES CEU/PDH and 1.0 AIA HSW!!
Dr. George C. Brainard, Ph.D., FIES
Kimberly R. Mercier, PE, LEED AP, CLEP, IES
Science has caught up and can now prove, what lighting professionals have known in our hearts all along, that light is more: more important… More than vision… More than art, more than energy!
Lighting system technologies, along with the adoption of the technology in the population, have provided the lighting design community with the opportunity to consider affecting human health with electric light.
These considerations add to the enlightenment tasks for vision that the community has perfected over the last century, will change our templates and energy calculations, and will find human efficiencies while respecting our understanding of the necessary integrations of work and life.
Applying human health considerations to the lighting design process requires confidence in: interpreting research results, translating research into application, understanding ramifications on customer intent (energy, cost, finishes), and developing new specifications for LED products that meet light and human health goals.
In this presentation, the speakers:
- Provideinformation and recommendations for this new frontier of lighting design,
- I identifythe fundamental information and resources that will help you with your work,
- Learn the opinions and perspectives of those representing multiple facets of the lighting industry, from researchers and design professionals to product manufacturers and construction industry leaders.
- Providesuggestions for incorporating human health considerations into the lighting projects you’re currently designing and building (and suggestions for supporting those priorities and decisions through the to-do list and occupancy).
New advances in light and human health will change the way the design community thinks about lighting design, the implementation, control, manufacture and availability of lighting products, and our decisions about the lighting energy we expend.
Find out exactly how much more light can be!
- Presenters
Dr. George C. Brainard, Ph.D., FIES
Thomas Jefferson University Professor of Neurology
Professor in the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
George “Bud” Brainard is recognized as a global scientific leader who has made seminal contributions to understanding the effects of eye light on physiology and behavior. Brainard is considered a pioneer among scientists working to put that knowledge to work for lighting applications in clinical treatment, space travel, and everyday life. His work on the action spectrum for light-induced melatonin suppression was the first empirically derived and most cited spectrum of action. Brainard has spoken to scientific, lighting professionals, medical, and public audiences about the effects of light on behavior and health. He recently led the relighting of the International Space Station with LED lighting, using technology his research helped develop.
Kimberly R. Mercier, PE, LEED AP, CLEP, IES
Kimberly Mercier is a professional lighting designer and engineer in the United States and Canada. He holds a bachelor’s degree and an MBA from SUNY at Buffalo (UB). Kim has over 30 years of experience in lighting design and the design industry on projects throughout North America.
Kimberly is a LEED Accredited Professional and a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional and has worked on several design teams achieving LEED Silver, Gold, and Platinum certifications. He has made numerous reports and presentations on lighting technology, including
Cost-benefit analysis. Ms. Mercier served as international president of the Society for Lighting Engineering and currently serves on the Society’s light and human health committee.
Kimberly es una oradora frecuente sobre temas relacionados con la industria de la iluminación, la sostenibilidad y la luz y la salud humana y se ha desempeñado como instructora adjunta de Iluminación en el programa de Maestría en Arquitectura de la Universidad de Calgary, de Teoría del Color y la Iluminación en el Departamento de Diseño de Interiores del Instituto de Tecnología de Rochester (RIT) y de Práctica Profesional en el Departamento de Diseño de Interiores de la Universidad Estatal de Buffalo (Buffalo State). Le motiva “llevar luz” a las personas, a los lugares, a la historia, al entorno construido y a la vida; Los logros de su carrera son representativos de esa singular búsqueda.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
An event sponsored by:
For Sponsorship tickets please contact
Mafi Avila
Venue: Platform Calgary
Venue Website: https://www.platformcalgary.com/innovation-centre