IES Calgary Section – Core Sponsorship Opportunity –2024/25

  • August 28, 2024 - September 13, 2024
    8:00 AM - 11:55 PM

Gather Around the Light

What a great year we had!

We were able to gather to celebrate our local Illumination Awards, host a full slate of Technical Luncheons where we dug deep into lighting for the cinema and the latest colour theories of TM30. Winter holidays at Zoo Lights saw us in cheer alongside family, while also providing in-person Fundamentals of Lighting training in February. As spring sprung we proudly hosted the world’s first presentation on the new Recommended Practice 46 for our Keynote Social that offered-up the latest science on circadian rhythm illumination and engaging Emerging Professionals with axe throwing and Launch-Pad golf. Summer brings excitement and a completely booked-out annual Golf Tournament.

As always, our plan is to keep on going, producing Calgary’s leading architectural lighting in-person events to ensure our community is currently educated, conversing, and having a good time.

2024-2025 plans continue our mission to support quality lighting designs and products through our core education events such as Technical Luncheons, the NCQLP LC Study Group, and the Fundamentals of Lighting Course. Additional society “edu-social” experiences such as Building Tours, the Illumination Awards, Keynote Presentation, the Annual Golf Tournament, and more are also happily returning. All our offerings are focused on benefiting our Section Members, our Design and Construction Community, and our most valuable supporters … You, and the company you represent.

To continue our numerous activities at the high-quality level we aim for, we are asking your firm to join us as a Core Sponsor for the 2024/25 term. Your support will assist us in maintaining a stable budget platform from which to launch our diverse section events and activities while enabling us to dream and plan for even more opportunities.

Please read below for details on the various support level packages to see which one best-fits you, and your company.

Should you have any questions please reach out and connect with us.

Annual IES Calgary Section Core Sponsorship Tiers

Our program has three levels of support with increasing benefits for your company within the 2024-2025 term.

  • $500 Glowing Sponsorship Includes
    • Your company logo on all IES Calgary media (i.e. – Banners, Website, Email Notices, Table Centers)
  • $1,000 Shining Sponsorship Includes
    • Your company logo on all IES Calgary media (i.e. – Banners, Website, Email Notices, Table Centers)
    • Two (2) complimentary seats at one of our Technical Luncheons (Can be split up over two events)
    • One (1) complimentary seat at our Annual Keynote Presentation in Spring 2025
  • $1,750 Radiating Sponsorship Includes
    • Your company logo on all IES Calgary media (i.e. – Banners, Website, Email Notices, Table Centers)
    • Four (4) complimentary seats at one of our Technical Luncheons (Can be split up over multiple events)
    • Two (2) complimentary seats at our Annual Keynote Presentation in Spring 2025
    • Two (2) complimentary entries for our Annual Golf Tournament in June 2025

We look forward to welcoming you as a Core Sponsor for 2023-2024

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